Monday 15 December 2014

Michelin Challenge Design-Rainmaster

Rainmaster by Nicholas Dunderdale, United Kingdom

Nicholas Lee Dunderdale is a British designer that graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2014. He was awarded the BMW Young Designer of the year award in 2014. He has had intern experience in England, Italy and Japan and is currently looking for future opportunities.
Highway 1 – California – Legendary road for open air roasters and motorbikes.
In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach created the first motorbike. But never following the prototype in production has allowed other companies and rivals to benefit from their invention and original initiative.
The 2085 Mercedes Rainmaster is a study into what the vehicle of tomorrow might be creating a new segment within the automotive product line and a merge in architectures. Although electric platform development has led to flatbed skateboard chassis design by most manufacturers, the Rainmaster places all the batteries and technology within the side panels. The central structure is then light, open and even removable allowing a two seated vehicle to be used as two individual and independent motorbikes.
In 2030, Mercedes launched a new segment to their product line with a new invention set again to revolutionize the automotive world. Electric platforms have led to a flatbed skateboard chassis by manufacturers all over the world. However the Rainmaster Chassis places all the batteries and technology within the side panels allowing the central structure to be light and open and even removed to use the roaster as two individual motorbikes.

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